a Rouge-like Fantasy Gamebook Core Rule System
Hack ‘n’ Slash is a “Roguelike” Solo Interactive Gamebook Core Rule System for “Plug-in” Adventures.
It is possible to expand your character between adventures using experience points. It is also possible to create your own adventures.

This Core Rule Book contains:
- Rules for creating a character with four different traits.
- Three different classes: thief, wizard, and warrior.
- Skill system with unique class-specific skills.
- Trade and currency.
- Magic system with spells and the possibility to enchant weapons and items.
- Potion system with potion tables.
- Turn-based, easy-to-use battle system.
- Treasures and traps!
- Experience point system to use the same character in new adventures…
Hack ‘n’ Slash is a Roguelike Fantasy Rule System that is D6-based, easy to get into, but has many different options. Potions can be used on your character, on a weapon or items, and even thrown at enemies! Adventures may add extra and additional rules, expanding the world and setting.
This version of Hack ‘n’ Slash is created with ease of use in mind, keeping it simple but with lots of different options and alternatives for fun and in-depth adventuring.
With this package, a first introductory adventure is also included: “The Alchemist’s Dungeon.” This is a 46-page, 40-section adventure that brings you into the world of Hack ‘n’ Slash. More adventures are planned, and you are encouraged to create your own for private use.
If you want to create adventures for sale here on DriveThruRPG, you may buy the Hack ‘n’ Slash License Package, which also includes logotypes and a worldwide license to sell your own adventures—keeping 100% of the profits.