
NEWSBYTE: “Ice Gift Hunt”; 5e solo “Shipwrecked” and more from Hosted Games.

Several online gamebooks have recently been released – but there are also some new additions to 5e, all of which are covered in this newsbyte. Shipwrecked is an interactive narrative solo adventure for level 1 5e characters. It is written by Blaise Wigglesworth with art by Anja Svare. Barely surviving a storm at sea, a […]

NEWSBYTE: “Ice Gift Hunt”; 5e solo “Shipwrecked” and more from Hosted Games. Read More »

Tables of Doom: 5E Solo Adventuring

5e Solo Gamebooks have released a new type of solo adventuring, and unlike their previous gamebooks (The Death Knight’s Squire and Tyrant of Zhentil Keep), Tables of Doom uses a free-form game system that relies on dice rolls and tables (hence the name) to randomly generate monsters, traps, clues, encounters, secret doors and loot. Final

Tables of Doom: 5E Solo Adventuring Read More »

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