Darkness on a Foreign Shore is the first gamebook in the new Unravel Your Destiny series created by G R Jordan, written for a teen/YA audience, or anyone who enjoys choice-based narrative fiction. Complete missions by solving puzzles and taking actions, all under the pressure of unwelcome discovery. If you’re up for a challenge, Darkness on a Foreign Shore offers an exciting spy adventure set during the Second World War.
Alone on a foreign shore. Enemies all around. Unsure of who your friends are. Dangerous missions that have to be successful. Can YOU overcome your fears, evade capture and make it home? The world has become a dark place with Europe in turmoil as Germany flexes its might and invades many countries including France. In Britain, operations are underway which seek to aid the French resistance and throw the German army out of the country on the road to winning a war. YOU have been chosen to be one of the many female spies who will enter France and work to assist the local fighters, performing necessary tasks to aid the war effort. Stealing plans, organising airdrops, blowing up communication links, disrupting German units and running other spies are all within your sights as you bravely risk your life in a strange land. Will YOU survive? Will YOU succeed? Unravel YOUR destiny and find out! YOU make the choices! YOU are the hero! YOU face the consequences!
Darkness on a Foreign Shore lets you choose your path as you undertake independent missions through France by making one of several decisions at the end of each section, building the story before you try to escape for England. Doing so will determine your fate, and will trigger consequences.
In the later stages of your adventure there is a code to break and time-dependent puzzles to solve, where you will operate against the clock. You’ll also collect items or outfits (and people) to aid you in your mission. These are added in the Notes section at the rear of the book, where you can also write down any clues, codes or important information you acquire. Note that there’s no combat system in Darkness on a Foreign Shore, so no dice or dice-fought battles are featured in the book.
The Kickstarter campaign for Darkness on a Foreign Shore is offering both paperback and hardback editions featuring a highly atmospheric cover illustration of our female hero by Jake Caleb Clarke. The book will consist of approximately 320 pages / 62,000 words, and will feature some black & white interior drawings. The Kickstarter will conclude on December 1st.
Visit G R Jordan’s website to learn more about Darkness on a Foreign Shore, where you will also find information about his urban fantasy, adventure and Lovecraftian fiction.