The Collector’s Edition of Rune War from Holmgard Press – the next step in their completion of the hardback collector’s series – will be ready to ship worldwide from December 1st. The book features the much-loved original Brian Williams illustrations, a gorgeous new map from Francesco Mattioli (as shown), and striking new cover art from Alberto Dal Lago (as yet unreleased – early concept sketch below depicts the siege of the mighty walls of the great city of Varetta by the Vorka army, inspired by Brian Williams’ map frame from the first edition).

In the 24th Lone Wolf gamebook, you journey back to the Stornlands for an old-school Magnakai adventure reminiscent of the Dungeons of Torgar – a crusade against Lord Vandyan of Eldenora, a cruel tyrant who draws his power from runes created long ago by Agarash the Damned, the greatest champion of the Dark God Naar. Your task is to infiltrate Skull-Tor, Lord Vandyan’s stronghold, and destroy the ancient runes from which he draws his evil power.

Lone Wolf’s announcement that the Kai must prepare for a crusade in the Stornlands galvanizes the monastery into a frenzy of activity. Eagerly the members of the New Order set about their duties, and the preparations for the march to Quarlen are completed within two days as planned.
On the morning of the third day, the Kai assemble in the training park in full battle-dress. A deathly hush descends upon the gathering as every Kai Lord, from lowly initiate to Grand Master, listens with trepidation as Lone Wolf reads aloud a list of names.
One in five of all those present must stay to defend the monastery, and Lone Wolf’s list contains the names of the one hundred Kai he has chosen to remain behind. As each of these warriors is called, so they leave the assembled ranks to take up guard positions on the battlements and towers. Graciously they accept their lot, though none are glad to have been chosen.
The march begins shortly before noon…

In Gavyn F Duthie’s action-packed bonus adventure, The Traitor’s Reward, you play Kalen of Salony – a Stornlander sellsword and leader of a band of mercenaries fighting for the Salonese. This new adventure has also had the input of the Lone Wolf All-Stars: Vincent Lazzari, Eric Dubourg and August Hahn. Additionally, it features illustrations by Hauke Kock, such as this epic scene of Slovian Knights slamming into a charging mass of Vorka…!

Holmgard Press has also announced that they have improved the quality of their packaging to minimise the risk of damage, and reduced the cost of shipping. US shipping has been reduced by as much as 40%, and UK shipping by up to 50% – depending on the number of books and the shipping method. The best consolidated savings are made when purchasing two or three books with standard shipping.
Rune War will be available online from, where you can also purchase hardbacks of the Collector’s Edition of book 23, Mydnight’s Hero, and the First Edition of Lone Wolf 30, Dead In The Deep.
Any news on when they’ll start selling paperback versions, especially of the new books (LW29 & LW30)?
No news as yet, Jules. My understanding is that they’ll begin the paperback editions from book #1, so it could be some wait before we see the latest releases in that format. We’ll post any news whenever it’s announced.
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