An unsettling narrative into the world of psychotherapy, Catalyst, developed by Doubleton Game Studio, is an interactive story told via newspaper articles, notes, letters, tape recordings and a unique journal that evolves throughout the game based on insightful analysis of an unusual therapy session.
After the mysterious death of Dr Pokorny, Dr Novak, relatively unknown by many, takes over his illustrious psychotherapy practice. At the same time he inherits Mrs Ruzicka, the secretary of the deceased psychologist. In the hands of Dr Novak, the practice is less than flourishing.
One morning, Dr Novak receives a box of audio tapes – recorded psychotherapy sessions to be exact – and is asked to give his insightful analysis of their content. Sadly, things take a turn for the worse for Dr Novak. His troubled mind seems to be getting the better of him… Or does it?
You decide. You are this psychotherapist, Dr Novak, and your task is to carefully analyse and then provide your insight on these recorded therapy sessions. Ultimately, your answers will determine your own fate, Dr Novak.
- Fully narrated psychotherapy sessions by Joseph K. Krachtovil himself.
- Three different endings based on the player’s insight.
- Interactive desktop with controllable timespans, making days shorter or longer.
- Immersive storyline delivered to the player via letters, notes, journal entries and audio recordings.
- Eerie musical score and visual FX.
Catalyst is available via Steam for PC. Visit the Doubleton Game Studio website for further information.