KICKSTARTER: Paths: World of Adia

Paths: World of Adia is a tabletop RPG published by Smunchy Games that supports both classic Game Master group play and solo/co-op gameplay via their GM-in-a-box system. In Paths: World of Adia, players adopt the role of a denizen in a rich, multicultural world: a planet of extremes that is in constant flux as its three moons influence the magical Spirit that flows between Adia and all her living creatures. From the frozen reaches of the north to the shifting deserts of the south and all of the lush beauties and hidden dangers between, Adia and her magic can be felt in the very air.

Cards are used in Paths: World of Adia to play the game, however, there is no deck. All cards start in your hand, and you gain and lose cards based on the Paths that form your class.

When you first create your character, you will choose a starting class, gaining the first 3 root Paths. Over time you can purchase new Paths with Path Points after gaining XP when completing adventures through solo/co-op or group play with a GM. As you unlock new Paths your hand of cards will change, meaning that, as a Paladin for example, you could have more Utility and Action cards than Spell cards.

Play as a Human, Cenzai, Paradisian, Tuskaar, Orc, Courser or Fire Crest Elf, and then master the skills and abilities of the ten character classes.

Key features:

Progression System

The Path Progression System is a fresh take on the traditional Race/Class/Skill system. With it players can deeply explore the development of their character with progression that is truly dynamic and unique. Path Points are but one of the options players have available when spending experience. They can also change their encounter decks, purchase new talents, or explore completely new paths, allowing changes based on how characters have developed during their journeys.

Combat and Skill

Combat and Skill checks are handled with the Paths Spirit system. Players roll three D8 to determine their total along with various bonuses applied to each check. This system offers a stacking critical success and failure system to allow for truly heroic and heartbreaking moments of play.

Encounter Handling

Paths uses an Encounter Card system; all your actions in combat are determined by cards that you play. This allows for players to arrange their turns and encourage cooperative actions in battle instead of focusing on a multi-phase turn. The Paths you take can augment the cards in your hand and allow for combinations of cards that can activate unique abilities for every Path.

Solo Gameplay

Paths does not always require a GM, as you can also play solo or co-op modules that are designed to act as a GM-in-a-box. These adventures contain options to play with a variable amount of players, with branching choices and required checks all handled within the module itself. This allows for groups or a solo player to interact with the world by choosing their path using the GM-in-a-box card system. Many of these modules will also include ranges for players of different points of progression. The first GM-in-a-box adventure is Secrets of Tynordane, which is available in the Kickstarter campaign.

Paths: World of Adia is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. Pledge levels include the Player Guidebook, the Secrets of Tynordane module, the KS-exclusive Trade Trouble Classic Module, and the add-on novella Paths: A War Drum of Death. Backers can choose to play the game using either printed books and physical items, or PDFs and Print & Play components.

The campaign concludes on May 23rd.

Visit to learn more about the magical world of Adia and the forthcoming Paths game.

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