Megara Entertainment have now launched their new Kickstarter campaign for the second gamebook of the Autumn Snow series of Lone Wolf adventures: Autumn Snow 2: The Wildlands Hunt.
This hardback Collector’s Edition will be similar to the first book, The Pit of Darkness, and will again feature some fantastic black-and-white interior illustrations and page fillers by Gary Chalk – if they can raise enough funding to cover the art budget. If the required amount is not raised, the gamebook will be printed without the main illustrations, or without any at all! **UPDATE** The interior art is now fully funded so the book will feature 19 full-page illustrations + fillers by Gary Chalk!
Written by Martin Charbonneau, Autumn Snow 2: The Wildlands Hunt will be revised and augmented by the son of Joe Dever (Ben) after Joe’s recent passing, and also by Magnamund experts Vincent Lazzari and August Hahn.
A selection of original Gary Chalk illustrations from The Pit of Darkness are once again available to purchase, so take a look at the Kickstarter page to make a pledge and support the second volume of this new Lone Wolf series.